pon ding x Nunu Fine Art: Kaspar Bonnén Poetry and Sculpture Workshop

I am a room full of crucial facts.
Your face is proven, like folds in fabric,
and the pillow fills out the space that no one left to me.
I lie in a room I can’t leave
until the bodies of new hours come
and, shining, abandon any dimensionality.

——— Kaspar Bonnén, Apartment

Nunu Fine Art collaborated with Pon Ding to held two workshops “The Poetics of Space: Poetry Workshop” and ”Become a Metaphor: Sculpture Workshop”. In both workshops, Artist, Kaspar Bonnén shared his creating process with participates. At the same time, these workshops aimed to urge the participates to discover their inner-self’s perception toward the object and space by creating and  on spot . 

Introduction of “The Poetics of Space: Poetry Workshop”

This workshop is leaded by Kaspar Bonnén who is an artist, poet and writer at the same time. During the workshop,  Bonnén first introduced his creating ideas, in order to guide the audiences to generate different perspective in space concept. Next, The workshop stopped discussing about Bonnén’s works, instead, the time is transferred to the participates to create their own art. The participates listen to Bonnén reading the the poems, at the same time, they conveys their association and explanation by drawing. The whole process explores the personal space of mind. 

Introduction of “Becoming a Metaphor: Sculpture Workshop”

This event invites the participates to bring an object, which matches the size restriction. This object is something that can represent oneself or some kind of space. During the creating process, the participates used clay to sculpt the object. Thus, the relationship between the object and the owner becomes intimate and harmonious. When the workshop comes to an end, the sculpture and Bonnén’s painting will be displayed on the second floor of pon ding jointly. The participates can take it back after the display. 

Kaspar Bonnén :Looking For A Place To Sleep卡斯帕爾・波恩 : 找一個休息的地方2019.05.03-06.30

Kaspar Bonnén : Looking For A Place To Sleep

The Spaces within the Spaces within the Spaces空間中的空間的空間 聯展2018.12.09-12.30

The Spaces within the Spaces within the Spaces